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Pashan Lake bird watching 2016, Pune

The winter season is delight for bird watchers. I love to do bird watching and bird photography hence doesn’t want to miss an opportunity with my Camera. There are many places around Pune where you can see migratory birds. I visited Pashan Lake in the month of Jan 2016. You can spend plenty of time by just watching birds and their activity. 

Spot Billed Duck
Spot Billed Duck

About Pashan Lake:
               Pashan lake is artificial Lake near Pashan area. The lake was built in 1990s to supply drinking water. Pashan lake has a total catchment area of 40 square kilometers (15 sq. mi). Now water quality deteriorated due to quantity of sewage water and other effluents mixing in the water. This Lake area and surrounding area attracts migratory birds and so is popular spot for bird watchers from Pune.There is narrow footpath Nature trail along Lake. Nature trail is best place for Bird watching and to capture photo.

To reach Pashan Lake, join Paud road (by flyover from Dashapuja Ganesh temple) from Pune city – Paud road – chandani chuwk – Do not join on national highway – From Chandani chuwk take right (which goes towards Pashan area) –Pashan Road – Drive till Pashan circle – Take left on circle – Do not take right turn towards Pashan-Sus Road –Keep looking for an old arch on left – Take left there – Drive around 1 km and park your vehicle to explore area.

For footpath nature trail, if you are facing to Lake then keep walking on left side – You will find narrow footpath which goes inside forest – Keep walking and explore other trails on right side which take you close to water body. Please mind you steps as some part of land close to lake is quite middy or covered by water plants.

Jan 2016: Kothrud to Pashan Lake (Distance is approx. 9-10 km)
             I’m regular visitor for Pashan Lake for bird watching in every winter. It is just as paradise place for bird watchers and that to so close to the city area. There is a small island in-between Lake which is home for most of the wet land bird. It’s better to carry binocular. Many migratory wetland birds travel to Pashan Lake. Due to low monsoon in year 2015, less number of birds arrived in the lake area.

Spoonbill at Pashan
Spoonbill at Pashan

Better to visit Pashan area from Nov to Feb. From Feb water level gets reduce hence you can go on trial around lake to explore more birds.
I don’t know what to write more on Pashan Lake so I will post list of birds which you can see in Pashan Lake. You can help me by adding birds name which you have seen in this area.

Ruddy sheldduck at Pashan
Ruddy sheldduck at Pashan

Red wattled Lapwing
Purple Moorhen
Mahratta Woodpecker
White breasted Kingfisher
Brahmin Duck
Ashy Wren warbler
Indian Pipit
Glossy IBIS
Red-rumped swallow
Common Coot
Common Pochard
Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Jungle Babbler
Green Bee-eater 
Spot-bill Duck
Little Cormorant
Laughing Doves 
Purple Sunbird
Cotton Teal
Forest Wagtail
Pheasant tailed Jacana
Pied Kingfisher
Grey Wagtail
Indian Whiskered Tern
Shoveller Duck
Yellow Wagtail
House Crow
    Painted stork     Large pied Wagtail
Jungle Crow
Pied Bushchat
Open billed Stork
Small Blue Kingfisher
Purple heron
    Spoonbill stork
Bonnelli's Eagle
Pond Heron
    Wooly necked stork
Rufousbacked Shrike

Redvented Bulbul
Magpie Robin

Below are snaps taken during my various visits to Pashan Lake.




Spot Billed duck family

Spot Billed duck

Purple swamphen

Glossy ibis

I will try to upload more and more travel blogs. Thanks for reading this Travel Blog.

Pritesh Kulkarni

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